Thursday, July 28, 2011

Getting Closer

I just have to keep reminding myself that each day is one closer to the end. I had chemo on Monday and I hope I am at the tail end of the worst days. Tuesday night it started to hit and Wednesday and today haven't been fun. I've been really sick to my stomach along with the other fun side effects like tingling feet and a bad taste in my mouth. But I am getting closer and that is helping me stay on the positive side.

It didn't seem to make a difference that one of the drugs was removed from my chemo cocktail. It saved me 30 minutes in the chair but hasn't seemed to make a difference in the severity of the recovery. The extra week between chemo sessions seemed to help me feel a little better at the beginning but made for a harder swing from "normal" to "chemoed." I say "normal" because I don't remember the last time I have felt truly normal. My surgery site has healed well and I am grateful for that. Monday I'll have more labs done to see about shots again. Not much else to report now. Things are fairly repetitive at this point.

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