Monday, July 18, 2011

Dr. Harper's "How the Surgeon Stole Chemo Eve"

Despite the clever title, I will not be writing any rhymes. I could also have called it, "Delay is a Pain in the Butt." And this would have been literally true. For those who haven't already heard, I ended up in the ER Sunday morning after pain (in a somewhat embarrassing spot) became incapacitating. The surgeon on call verified the ER doctor's suspicion that I had an abscess. I was taken up to the OR and gratefully put under general anesthesia for the procedure. They admitted me to the hospital and hooked up some IV antibiotics because of my compromised immune system. Most people would have had this done under local anesthesia and gone home the same day. I felt much better after waking up but the night in the hospital was pretty restless. I look forward to my own bed tonight.

I am due for chemotherapy tomorrow but that is up in the air. I will report in the morning as ordered but the doctor may postpone the infusion. The surgeon said that chemotherapy may delay the healing process of my incision site. I prefer to go forward as scheduled and get this over with even if it means a double whammy of recovering from both surgery and chemo this week. I have to thank my superwife again for all she has done and our great neighbors and friends for watching Sophie and helping with meals. We appreciate it SO much. I'll post an update either way tomorrow.

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