Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Last Chemo, Probably

For those of you checking my blog consistently, I apologize that it has been almost 2 weeks since an update. It was a rough time after the last chemo with complications coming to a head last Monday and Tuesday (the 1st and 2nd). I had two women independently tell me that I now have an idea of what childbirth feels like. I told the first one that I was sure that wasn't the case but after the second one I decided there must be something to it. I won't go into more detail other than to say that this time I am starting earlier with copious amounts of Citrucel and Miralax. If that's TMI (too much information) I apologize. I had several good days though and we were able to get out of town to relax a bit at a friends cabin.

As the title suggests I may not be done with chemotherapy as previously thought. The doctor went over a few "unfavorable" characteristics with me yesterday before my last chemo. The three things that might make the difference are the fact that I had chills and night sweats and that my tumor was close to "bulky" at 9 cm. Bulky is technically 10 cm or more. My blood test for inflammation came back very high at 112, well over the 50 they look for. That lab result is what led to that first CT scan way back in March. Seems like a long time ago but at the same time it has gone pretty quickly.

So Thursday the 18th I go for another PET/CT scan, the one that makes me radioactive. The doctor expects it to come back normal but wants to be thorough. I anticipate he'll send me back over to the radiology oncologist for my radiotherapy. It will be nice to know the plan for that particularly when I start and the duration of the treatment. I do plan on starting the semester on the 22nd, just 1.5 weeks away. After a long summer of accomplishing nothing it will be good to get back into the swing of things.

For now, one more chemo under my belt. As usual I was a bit tired when I got home, had a wavering voice last night, and trouble sleeping. Now begins the descent into the drug-delayed, delightful, debilitating bout with nausea. Hopefully by Saturday I'll be on the rebound. I did get the order to take preventative antibiotics with a low white blood cell count. They'll check it on Tuesday to see if it has gone up or if it needs some help. It's good to have Mom and Dad here this time.

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there Jon! We're praying for you! We miss you guys and will be glad to get home this weekend. Give Sophie kisses from us!
