Wednesday, July 6, 2011

6 Down and 2 to go

Well, I am not really done with the sixth treatment yet. The infusion went well yesterday and as usual made me very sleepy. And as usual later that night it made it difficult for me to sleep. I am expecting the nauseousness to kick in tomorrow but by the end of the week I will be done with round 6.

Tomorrow I go in for another Pulmonary Function Test. One of the chemo drugs is toxic to the lungs. Nothing has shown up on the chest x-rays but the doctor wants this test done just in case we need to stop that particular drug.

My laptop went on the fritz last Saturday so sorry I am not posting as frequently. The school should have it fixed soon I hope. Other than that things are going well. I just try to take advantage of the good days I have - which makes for all play and no work. Better change that soon.

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