Tuesday, July 19, 2011

A Week Off - Sort Of

I went to the clinic today as usual for chemotherapy but the doctor decided that we would put it off for a week. He was okay with this for a few reasons. I am in remission and have had 6 of 8 (75% for those of you who prefer to not think about numbers) of my treatments. Also my white blood cell count was very low today and the doctor does not want to risk an infection. So instead he sent me home after giving me a neupogen shot and telling me to take antibiotics. I go back the next two days for more shots and then Friday they will check my blood again. The plan is to have chemo on Monday provided everything else goes according to plan.

So I kind of have the week off, at least from being sick from chemo. I still have to go to the clinic every day and I can already feel this first shot making my bones ache. And of course I have my surgery to recover from. I didn't think it would be a big deal but my incision has gotten a bit sore today, especially if I am up and about too much. So the plan is to take it easy and get plenty of rest. Same goes for next week too I guess. I feel a bit cheated out of time to feel good. I missed last week and now this week and next week are out as well. That will make a fun four in a row since my last good week. But who am I kidding, I haven't really been normal since this whole thing started. Almost to the end though.

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