Friday, July 8, 2011

How quickly I forget

The doctors have really done well figuring out how to get us cancer patients to take all of our medicine. I usually feel pretty good by the time each chemo treatment comes around so I go to the clinic willingly to get it done with. Then it doesn't take long before the joys of chemo return. The last couple of days have been as expected - tired, nauseous, and no appetite. I get up in the morning and food doesn't even sound good. I try to eat and drink a bit here and there and usually by dinner time I am hungry enough that I will eat a fair amount whether it tastes good or not. Last night - it didn't taste good. Tonight it was pretty good. And that is not necessarily a reflection on the menu or the cook. We have appreciated having meals brought in the last two days so Tara can tend to Sophie while I get some rest. This usually means getting her out of the house. It helps her to not have to worry about cooking, especially since there is no guarantee that I will eat much of it anyway.

I hope that another day or two should be long enough to get back to a happy place. I need to if I am going to agree to two more chemo sessions. The back of my tongue is starting to turn white again so I am expecting a bad taste in my mouth for a few days. We'll see if I need to pull out the magic mouthwash again. This post probably seems similar to this same time two weeks ago so I apologize for that. I'm in a bit of a rut, however we are nearing the end of the chemo portion.

My breathing test went okay yesterday. I didn't have to do as many routines as the first time but they did close the airtight booth and ask me to pant again. I suppose I'll find out the results on Tuesday with my next blood test. Sadly, if they stop the "B" drug it only saves me 30 minutes during each of the two more chemo sessions. It isn't the drug that causes numbness which would have been nice to get rid of. I think my lungs are doing well though and I will be happy about that.


  1. I'm sorry it's so hard! No that you are always in our thoughts and prayers!

  2. Hang in there Jon! We think of you often and pray for you always!
