Friday, May 13, 2011

Shots Hurt!

Well, my white blood cell count has continued to fall according to my bloodwork this morning. That means I have to be vigilant for signs of infection and stay away from sick people and crowds. The doctor told me to keep taking the antibiotic he prescribed and I also got a shot. I go back to urgent care tomorrow and Sunday for more shots. Monday they will check my blood again and see if we need to continue the treatment. The medicine is called Neupogen and its purpose is to stimulate my bone marrow to produce more white blood cells. The nurse said it could make my bones ache, especially the longer bones like my arms and legs. We'll know soon enough how I react though I took some preventative tylenol just in case. I haven't had a shot to inject medicine for a while and it was pretty uncomfortable. They stuck me in the back of my upper arm and I know why my baby cries for her shots - they aren't fun. I'll keep you posted but for now it looks like hibernation this weekend away from the germy world. I don't mind though because I've been very tired so it gives me an excuse to lounge about with a blanket as Minnesota returns to colder temperatures. This round of chemo has been a little tougher. I waited too long to start my anti-nausea medicine but it seems to have stabilized now so I can eat more and have my appetite back.

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there Jon! Our prayers are with you. We love you guys!
