Saturday, May 28, 2011

Pulling my hair out

Though Sophie may cause me a bit of stress from time to time, I can't blame her for my hair loss. Yesterday after drying off from the shower I noticed a lot of hair on me and in the sink. I pinched some between my fingers, gave a good tug, and out came a few dozen hairs. It didn't hurt at all since the chemo has killed the roots. Upon closer inspection I could see on the hair when the chemo had started. Towards the root it was thinner and lighter. Tara shaved my head this afternoon so that I don't shed long hairs all over the place. We didn't go all the way to skin but this way I won't leave a trail behind me. I kind of like my new look and it's just in time for the warmer weather. My eyebrows and arm hairs are still safe for now but we'll see if that stays.

I am feeling a lot better today compared to Thursday and yesterday morning. My appeptite has returned and I am not so nauseous. The other side effects have all been managed with medication so other than taking more naps the last few days things are going pretty well.

1 comment:

  1. I like your new look, too! You and your beautiful family are in our prayers.

