Sunday, May 1, 2011

Doing Well

I am pretty surprised about how well the last week has gone. I was nervous after having my chemotherapy infusion last Tuesday but for the first few days I felt the same. If I hadn't been hooked up to an IV for half the day I wouldn't have known anything had happened. Thursday afternoon I started taking the anti-nausea pills, not because I had a terribly upset stomach but because I could tell that things weren't feeling normal anymore and the nurse said to stay on top of it as soon as it starts to creep up on me. The pills seem to have worked well and I was even able to enjoy lunch at Token BBQ yesterday. I am a little tired these days but no more than my worst days of cancer symptoms + baby duty. The one side effect that could become worse in the next few days is one that I'll spare you the details of other than to say, "Prunes." I just ate 3 and we'll see how they work. We may be off to the store tomorrow to get some prune juice and dried apricots. Guess my breakfast menu will have to include a bit of oatmeal as well.

It was wonderful to be in church today. I gain so much strength from partaking the sacrament, feeling the spirit, and fellowshipping with my ward family. I hope that as the chemicals build up in my system that I will still be able to make it to sacrament meeting at the very least. Thanks to all of my ward members who included me in their fast and prayers. I truly do feel that strength.

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