Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Round 2

Sorry that I haven't made any posts for a while but there hasn't been much to say. The last few days have been wonderful. I felt more normal during the last several days than I have for a few months.

The chemotherapy went okay today. I feel a little more worn out but that could be due to an overindulgence last night. Carrie Jeffrey made gyoza for us and I overate. It tasted so good and I knew that after today I'd be a bit queasy. Last night I woke up with some indigestion from overeating. It could have been amplified by my last chemotherapy but I brought it on myself. As a result I started the day with less sleep.

I won't go into detail this time since I wrote about most of the details two weeks ago. I did ask a few questions though that yielded some interesting information. The first chemo drug is the red one that changes my urine different colors. The nurse has to sit a push it in over 15 minutes using a syringe instead of and IV drip. I asked why and she told me that she has to check every so often to see if she can draw blood back out. Apparently if this drug touches skin, it will eat it away so they want to make sure it is going into my vein instead of under my skin. Nice thought that it is going inside of my body.

The doctor ordered some blood work before the chemo started and my white blood cell count is low. The minimum level is 4000 or more and I only had 2200 white blood cells in the sample. The doctor prescribed an antibitoic for me to take to help guard against infection. I go back on Friday to have my levels checked again. If it is still low I will have to get an injection to help my marrow begin producing more whit blood cells. For now I have to stay away from sick people and large crowds. I'll let you know Friday what happens. Enjoy the picture of my sweet baby coming to visit me.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I think Sophie gets bigger with every picture. What a doll! Hope you are feeling okay today!
