Thursday, May 26, 2011

Feelin' a bit Green

I thought I'd post again now that I've had a chance to rest and catch up on some sleep. Tuesday Sophie and Tara came to the clinic to bring me lunch and visit. Sophie got into the recliner with me and took a big stretch. She kept her hands over her head for a bit and just kicked back with Daddy. She actually sat with me for quite a while but it helped that Mommy was feeding her. We enjoyed almost an hour before Sophie started to get a bit antsy and unmanageable. While she was there I noticed nurses, patients, and other visitors watching her and smiling and waving.

Yesterday was a pretty good day and I even pitched in with the housework by doing some vacuuming and mopping. I also organized the pantry and closet shelves. I was tired by the end of the day but was feeling pretty good. Today, however, my stomach feels a bit unsettled. I hope the pills can keep it at bay enough so that nothing comes back up. The next few days will probably be this way but I look forward to a good week to follow.

1 comment:

  1. What a sweet baby! I can't believe she's almost 1! Hope the medicine will help and you can have a decent weekend!
