Tuesday, May 24, 2011

3 Down and 5 to Go

It's been a while since I've posted but just assume that no news is good news. The last 6 days have been pretty good ones. This time I am armed with magic mouthwash to help and I am taking Prilosec as well. Hopefully I can manage the side effects before they get too bad.

My blood work looked good this morning with my white blood cell count at 4 (remember it got down to 1.8 and back up to 6.9 and that 4-9 is normal). My pre-chemo levels were between 8 and 9. I will go back next Wednesday (8 days from now) to have it checked again to see if shots are required. My chest x-ray came back clear. The doctor wanted to check it since the B drug can damage them but so far so good.

I'll sign off now because I am extremely tired and don't want to risk rambling nonsensically.

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