Monday, April 11, 2011

What We Know and What We Don't Know

We learned today from the surgeon who did my biopsy last Friday that I do in fact have Hodgkins lymphoma. He mentioned that his office would probably be contacting me again to arrange for placement of a catheter in my chest for chemotherapy treatments. The oncologist also tried to call me but with my teaching schedule and their staff meeting I have yet to talk to him. So the details on treatment are slim right now but hopefully I will have more information in the next few days. From our earlier conversations with the doctor, there are a few tests to run before things really get started. How do I feel? Well, we were fully expecting this news so it was not a great shock. We've had a few weeks to prepare and I've been able to get ahead on my semester plans so the impact on work will be minimal. Financially we're in a good spot, especially with a supplemental cancer insurance policy kicking in so I don't have to worry about teaching this summer. Sophie is so very active and it will be hard for me to not be able to play with her as usual. I hope her little mind can understand and she will still know how much I love her. We have wonderful friends that take good care of her so Tara can come to the doctor's with me. Tara's mother is coming out in a week and will stay three weeks while I start treatment and that will also be a great blessing. So you see, the Lord has blessed us with everything we need to face this trial. His tender mercies are everywhere and I am so grateful for it. All I have to do is rest and make it through the treatments. The prognosis is good for this well-researched cancer so we are very hopeful. Thank you all for your support. It means the world to us! Jon (and Tara)


  1. Keep your head up John! There is an army of people standing at the ready for you and Tara. The Lord knows what He is doing.

    We love you!

    tony gregor

  2. We love you, Jon! (and Tara and Sophie) All of you will be in our prayers for however long prayers are needed! We miss you and wish we were closer to help physically.
