Friday, April 8, 2011

Two scars for me

Well, I survived surgery and am doing well enough to type this entry. The surgeon decided to check out the lump on my neck as well so I've got an inch and a half incision on my neck and a two inch incision on my chest. Waking up wasn't the most pleasant experience. I had a bit of a headache and was pretty sore. I immediately knew that he had decided to cut my neck and it has been more painful than the incision on my chest. The first few hours were pretty tough but once my pain pill started working I felt much better. I am doing quite well now actually. I can move easier but I do get light-headed if I try to do too much. I wasn't ever too nauseous except for a brief moment after going from the wheelchair to the car. I ate a fantastic dinner that our friend Rita made for us without any sign of upset stomach. Sophie has been an angel today and we appreciate Johanna taking such good care of her for us. So you may be wondering what the results were. At this point we still can't say for certain but the surgeon's comment was that he was about 75-80% sure that it looked like Hodgkin's lymphoma. The spot in my neck was just fatty tissue. Probably from eating the fudge and Reese's from my package earlier this week. On a side note, Tara beat me by 1 point in my new game earlier this week and we just finished watching Blind Side. Thanks again for the fun package. Love you all and we'll keep you posted next week as more specifics are talked about.

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