Monday, April 4, 2011

A nice Surprise

Last night Tara and I were in bed talking about the biopsty this Friday and my recovery over the weekend after my biopsy. It really made it sink in and feel more real that this is actually happening. I've only ever been put under to have my wisdom teeth out. I've never had a broken bone or had any incisions made before. I have no idea how I am going to react. This will probably be my first time taking any pain medicine stronger than ibuprofen or tylenol. I just worry about not being able to lift my baby and play with her like I do now. I hope she understands. Just as things were starting to be more real and a bit more scary, I got a package from my awesome family. It had the intended effect and put a smile on my face. Anyone who knows me well knows how I love presents. As you can see below I got a few games that were at the top of my list, a movie, a hilarious shirt, and a cap for my soon to be bald head (not sure about the recorder?). Some sweet treats completed the package. But even more than that, the letters from my siblings and their children were wonderful. Their thoughts and prayers and the picture from Jenn really lifted my spirits. Thanks so much to my wonderful family. It really was too generous but I so appreciate it.


  1. Hi family! You are constantly in my thoughts and prayers. We appreciate being able to read your blog for updates. We love you!
    Janice and family

  2. Why did the recorder have to make sense! Practice your Christmas tunes:)
