Tuesday, April 12, 2011

A Marathon of Tests

Thursday is test day, not for my students but for me. I'll be spending my day at the clinic and the hospital (which are connected). First up in the morning is a bone marrow aspiration. This will be with the oncologist and hopefully we'll have a chance to talk with him about treatment specifics. Things have moved kind of fast without too many answers, just more tests being scheduled. After the oncologist I'll go to the cardiology department to have a scan of my heart. They'll inject some radioactive tracers and see how they circulate in the blood to observe the injection fraction (thanks to the bishop for explaining - he's a cardiologist). Looks like I'll have to stay away from Sophie again so I don't cause any mutations in her. After cardiology I will have a pulmonary function test to check out my lungs. Apparently the chemotherapy can be tough on the lungs and heart so they want to judge their strength at this point. It is my understanding that before chemotherapy starts they will put in a port and catheter so I don't have to keep getting IV's for blood tests and the chemo injections. So we could be looking at starting everything as early as the middle of next week. Hopefully more treatment details on Thursday but at least tomorrow I get a chance to breathe. It has been a busy day of phone calls and getting details at work taken care of. Thanks again for every one's support.

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