Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Sneak Attack

There is a new philosophy for treating cancer effectively - surprise the cancer cells and the patient with chemotherapy. Not really true, but when I got a phone call at 8:40 this morning asking if I was going to come for chemotherapy which had been scheduled for 8:00, I was rather surprised. I told them that I had been planning on Thursday morning but she then informed me that it had been changed, only nobody had bothered to tell me ahead of time. I got dressed, grabbed a book, and headed to the clinic. Thankfully Grandma Reed was here to watch Sophie (and Elsie) since Tara and Rita were at the gym. I was a little frustrated, feeling like I wasn't fully prepared mentally. It would have been really nice to have showered and eaten breakfast as well. Tara was more than a bit frustrated but she had calmed down by the time she came to sit with me and things ended up going pretty well. I am back home and feeling, well, normal. They did give me nausea medicine which seems to have done the trick. It should last for at least 3 days and then I have pills to help if/when I need them. I have been advised to graze 6-8 times a day rather than eat 3 bigger meals. Grandma made a hot dish (casserole) for dinner in true Minnesota fashion using no recipe. She mixed leftover ham with macaroni noodles and cheeses, sour cream, olives, and a few other things. I thought it wise to stick to a small portion but will have more later tonight. It seems to be sitting well. I guess the next few days will indicate how the chemo will effect me. If you want more of the technical, perhaps borderline gross, but certainly not gory, details about the actual 4-hour treatment just read the next post. If not, thanks for checking in and so far so good. Oh, by the way the chemo was bumped up because the oncologist will be in Florida (Disney World) on vacation Thursday. I am over the frustration and it isn't the doctor's fault. He really is quite a good doc and the nurses are great. Just a miscommunication that slipped through the cracks. We're over it.

1 comment:

  1. That's too bad about the surprise but I'm glad that it went so well! The treatments and medications have come a LONG way since I watched my dad go through this 27 years ago. I am VERY grateful for the medical advances we have today! As always, your in our thoughts and prayers!
