Saturday, June 11, 2011


Well, it seems I may have overreacted yesterday. It appears that I may have been dealing with actual cancer symptoms rather than chemotherapy effects. It was a tough day to be sure, but had I taken Tylenol earlier it may have been easier. As the day wore on I began to wonder if I were sick and had Tara take my temperature. I was not feverish but when my muscles started to ache more I decided to try Tylenol. I hadn't worried about it before because I assumed this was all due to the chemo treatments and fatigue. Though I was not feverish it felt as though a fever had broken after the medicine began working. I no longer needed a blanket and I actually got warm. I felt a lot better and more energetic. Last night I woke up chilled and took Tylenol again. Sure enough, just as when this whole thing started, I woke up damp. The night sweats were back.

I am feeling tons better today and while I am glad the chemo effects aren't as drastic, I am a little more anxious about the upcoming scan. I hope this has all worked and we find that the tumors gone.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad that the Tylenol is helping and I'm sorry that you have to endure all the frustrations (physically and emotionally) with this trial. When is your next scan?
