Monday, June 13, 2011

The Good Old Days

After a tough end to last week, yesterday and today have been great. I expect another good day tomorrow and then it is back to the taskmaster. Wednesday I go back to the clinic to have my white count checked and I will probably have shots W-Th-F based on how the previous cycles have gone. This time I'll keep up on pain management from the start and hopefully that will help. I also have my PET/CT scan on Thursday and we should hopefully see no tumors. I will not have the results until Tuesday when I go in for chemotherapy again. I probably could have gone in Friday afternoon or Monday but I didn't see the sense in making another visit to the clinic. I spend more time there than I care to but thankfully my out of pocket maximum for insurance has been met so no more medical bills for me. Now if the state can just stay in business so I can keep my insurance and the paychecks coming in we'll be good. Thank you for your support everyone. Your prayers and fasting have had a very tangible impact in my life.

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