Thursday, September 15, 2011

Hot Zone

Tuesday I entered a bomb shelter to continue my treatment regimen. The metal door was over a foot wide and is magnetically sealed after the techs leave the room. The process does not take very long and I do not feel a thing. I lay down on a slightly skinny table. They made a mold of my arm position a few weeks ago so I lay down on my personal pillow with my arms above my head while they strap my ankles together. The the table slides me under a radiation apparatus about the size of a truck tire that is secured by a C-arm above me. They use lasers from the ceiling and walls to line my tattoos up with my original positioning. Then, if that wasn't enough they take a standard x-ray of me to make sure I am properly aligned. Two arms are mechanically opened on either side to take the x-ray. After I am in the proper position the computer takes over an radiates me for 5 minutes. There are 9 angles in my treatment so the machine rotates almost 360 degrees by the time we are done. I get shot twice from each angle. There is a buzzing sound for 7-8 seconds and then it repeats. There are metal leaves that shape the radiation rays so sometimes the beam is curved and at different angles. I guess I could have just said at the beginning that it is all highly technical and precise. The radiation goes right where it needs to go and at a pretty low dosage.

They tell me that it will take 2 weeks for the side effects to peak at which time I can expect a sore esophagus and fatigue. It will probably last a week or two after my treatments end. I am slated to go 17 consecutive business days, meaning I'll have my last one on my birthday. What a happy day that will be! They thought I might get nauseous because the radiation gets the top of my stomach but so far so good. I have really enjoyed the past several weeks of feeling good but this will be nothing compared to chemo. Almost to the end!


  1. Yay!!! I'm glad this won't be as bad, even though you have to go through the fatigue again and other side effects. At least the end is in sight!

  2. Let us know if you need anything! We're so glad you're finally in the home stretch!
