Thursday, October 6, 2011

I'm Done!

Yesterday I had my last radiation treatment. What a happy day! The side effects have not been too bad. They certainly don't compare to how bad chemotherapy was. The feeling of having something stuck in my throat is much more pronounced but I still would not say that it is painful. It certainly hasn't stopped me from eating and I had some popcorn just the other night. I have been quite tired the last few weeks but the fatigue should wear off in the next few weeks. After that I just have some follow-up appointments to see how things are going. Next week I will meet with my medical oncologist again and I should have a better idea of what tests will be done and how frequently they'll monitor things going on in my body. I also have to get my port taken out but that should be another same-day surgery. I am so glad we are about done with this. It can only get better from here.

1 comment:

  1. Yay!!! Congratulations for making it through it all!! Hopefully things continue to go better and you NEVER have to deal with this again!
