Sunday, August 14, 2011

Is that a light ahead?

Today has been a good day. I was able to enjoy a great Sunday dinner cooked by my mother. I feel a bit stronger and sense a welcome change approaching. I have made it through the worst of my most recent, and hopefully final, chemotherapy treatment. I am confident that my scan Thursday will show the doctor that we are ready to move on from chemotherapy to radiation. Is that something to be excited about? I think so. It should be much more manageable with the most prominent effect being fatigue with a bit of a sunburn. But hey, I've been dealing with tiredness since Christmas (and before - Sophie came along 14 months ago and we know what having a small baby can do). The other welcome change will be going back to work. I have enjoyed being lazy with a perfect excuse to do so but I haven't accomplished much and I think it will help see me through to the end if I can feel like I am once again providing for my family and using my talents.

I look forward to a good week. The things that I can manage are going very well. The things I can't control, the numb soles of my feet and lack of energy, are not so bad that I can't enjoy my last few days of a leisure life. We'll see what my lab test on Tuesday and scan on Thursday reveal. I'll keep you posted.

1 comment:

  1. You are constantly in our prayers. This most recent post is such good news. I hope you are back to 100% and working soon!

    Hugs, Nina (and Steve) Black
