Monday, March 28, 2011

Surgery Consultation

We got a call this morning that the surgeon who will do the biopsy had an opening in his schedule today. So instead of waiting until April 4th, we got to talk with the surgeon today, a week early. He did a quick ultrasound in the exam room to confirm what he saw in my CT scans. His conclusion was that the safest, best way to get a sample would be to make an incision between my 2nd and 3rd ribs just to the left of my sternum. He will spread the fibers of my pectoral muscle apart to get right at "my mass" for a lack of a better description. It will be an outpatient procedure but thankfully they'll put me out for it so I won't remember anything. I am sure it will be a bit sore though but that's what pain meds are for, right. Strangely enough I have never taken narcotic pain medication. I got a prescription for some after my wisdom teeth removal but never used them because the ibuprofen worked just fine. The surgery is scheduled for Friday, April 8th, and the results should only take a day or so but that would probably push it to the beginning of the following week. We'll see what it turns out to be. It seems like everything has been moving so fast with appointments being moved up earlier and the doctors working to get things done as soon as possible. I am not sure how we'll handle this waiting time but I suspect we'll continue to be calm and at peace thanks to the support of our family and friends. Thanks Rita and Johanna for watching Sophie over the last week so Tara could be at the appointments with me.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Jon,

    I am so sorry to hear about the tough times you are going through. Tara let me know the other day about all that is going. I was reading through your blog and reading the description of how you felt made me laugh out loud because it is exactly how I felt when I got home from Costa Rica after my mission. My Dr. thought that it probably started about 10 months before I got home, but like everyone else on the mission I thought being sick and tired was par for the course. Little did I know..... Anyhow if you ever want to talk I would love share any experiences with you that I had. Plus we are moving to Madison, Wisconsin next week so we should get together, it must be tough to be so far away from family. Keep the faith and it will all be over before you know it. I have been cancer free now for 12 years this October. Be strong!
