Monday, March 28, 2011

A quick look back

Let me briefly explain how all of this came about. Ever since the Christmas holiday I have not felt myself. It is possible that it may go back farther but may have been hidden by the tiredness that comes from having an infant in the house. I was having cycles of fevers, frequent night sweats, and just always felt fatigued. Tara finally convinced me to see a doctor. They started with some blood work which showed that there was inflammation in my system and I was very slightly anemic. A week and a half later they did some more bloodwork that confirmed the inflammation somewhere in my system and so we went ahead with a CT scan. The scan showed a mass and so my family doctor referred me to an oncologist. He ordered another scan but this one was a PET/CT scan, meaning that they shot me up with radioactive sugar. The mass glowed on the scan indicating it was an area of high metabolic activity. It was hard not to be able to see Sophie for 24 hours while the radioactivity decayed, because to be in the same room with her means that she wants me to hold her. It made me realize that this process is going to be tough because I won't be able to play with my baby like I used to. The next step is a biopsy to get a definitive diagnosis of what this mass is.

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